The only other time I've been to the Hamvention (or Hamfest) was about 30 years ago. It is still big. Way too big to be taken in thoroughly in one day. Tickets at the door were a steep $25 but that is good for all three days, inside and out. It really is targeted at amateur radio folks, but all kinds of electronics are available in the flea market. Of course my interest was in parts for the Fender Champ 5E1 I am building, as well as tubes for the Hammond AO-35 that I just acquired. In that department I got the following: EL84(2), 12AX7(2), 5Y3(2), 12AT7(1), 6V6GT(1). Two are used, the rest are new. I paid an average of $7 per. New tubes like this would run me $12 and up not including shipping. I also got I handfull of high-voltage caps, four tube sockets, and some IEC 320 sockets (for AC power cables). I found a turret board with capacitors and large pilot lights attaced for $2, and a pile of selenium rectifiers for $5. The best, and least expected, deal of the day was the 3-phase VARIAC I found on the way out of the show which I paid $20 for. I hope to use this to slowly power up amps when testing. Since the flea market is so large, some folks use wagons or backpacks to tote stuff around. I met a guy who had the gest solution I've seen. He built a cart from angle iron, which holds milk crates and coolers, with two PVC tubes in the back for antennas. He actually mounted a spare wheel and tire underneath in wagon, just like a truck. You can see this in the photo at the bottom of this post. Remember to go to my actual blog and click on the photo thumbnails to open larger photos.